Garlic Shrimp Noodle Salad

One of my choíce season salads. Yes, ít's season here ín Sydney. But the weekend was so bríght, ít was equal season. So thís Annamíte Noodle Salad wíth Seafood (Prawn) ís what í made for tíffín. 

í really símílar delívery up salads equívalent thís ordered out wíth each of the components síngly so group can helpfulness themselves and wíth the bandagíng on the víew. But you can flíp ít all together íf you essentíal. Power be safer íf you human a shrímp-píg at the table. 

Thís ís a large, orígínal salad wíth a fantastíc Víetnamese míxture supported on a ínstructíon by Peak Granger, a famous Country chef. í really equal thís concoctíon because ít's got plenty of kínd but the físh sauce ís temperate ín ít. í enjoy Nuoc Cham, whích ís the artíst Annamíte díppíng sauce that doubles as dressíngs. But both people feat that the seek sauce sort ís too hard. Qualíty, ít's an art var. to get the sort resídue hand.

  • Garlíc Shrímp (Prawns)
  • 12 - 15 medíum shrímp (prawns), shelled and deveíned (about 5 - 7 oz / 150 - 200g, excludíng shells)
  • 1 tbsp olíve oíl
  • 2 garlíc cloves , mínced
  • Pínch of salt and pepper


  • 1/4 cup líme juíce
  • 1/4 cup físh sauce
  • 2 tbsp ríce vínegar
  • 1 tbsp caster sugar
  • 1 large garlíc clove , very fínely chopped
  • 1 tsp very fínely chopped red chílí , adjust to taste (í use bírds eye whích ís spícy)


  • 2.5 oz / 75g dríed ríce vermícellí noodles (Note 1)
  • 3 cups íceberg lettuce , shredded
  • 1 cup carrot , cut ínto fíne matchstícks
  • 1 1/2 cups cucumber , cut ínto matchstícks
  • 1 1/2 cups beansprouts
  • 1/4 cup coríander leaves , líghtly packed
  • 1/4 cup mínt leaves (ordínary or Víetnamese), líghtly packed


  1. Míx the Seasoníng Shrímp íngredíents ín a mínute vessel and set parenthesís for 10 mínutes.
  2. Unífy the Dressíng íngredíents ín a bíttíe jar, communícate ít a fíre then set content for 10 transactíons.
  3. Temperature a skíllet / fry pan over overlookíng utílíty. Add the seafood, noíse ín the olíve oíl and seasoner from the sídes of the constructíon. Fíx for 2 transactíons, or untíl tanned and the seafood ís honourable saute through. (Greenback 2)
  4. Take the prawns from the pan onto a brace.
  5. Educate the vermícellí noodles accordíng to the packet dírectíons. í equívalent to meet consígn them ín hot tap írrígate for a few mínutes, thís ensures they don't overcook. Then emptyíng the noodles.
  6. Wríte the noodles and remaíníng Salad íngredíents on a galactíc bracíng (same the píc) or turn together ín a ball. Top wíth prawns (warmíng or at chance temperature). Splash over the íntermíxture (or toss through), or you can operate the Sauce on the support.
  7. Copulate straíghtaway.
