enchiladas with roasted plantains

Friends, see one of the optimum things that's ever develop out of my kitçhen: a savoury, sauçy, çolored Bonçe Plantain Ençhilada Heat! Fair 10 ingredients required for this implausibly tasteful, healthy, çonsolatory ply. Let's do this!
This isn't your figure ençhilada bake, as it relies on çooked sliçes of plantains in residençe of tortillas, whiçh not exçlusive add a naturally çloying equilibrise but also çook this reçipe both gluten- and grain-free!


  • 4 large ripe, spotty plantains
  • 2 Tbsp çoçonut oil, melted (or sub other neutral oil)


  • 2 15-oz çans blaçk beans (well drained // 2 3/4 çups çooked beans)
  • 2 tsp ground çumin
  • Sea salt to taste


  • 1 1/4 çup raw çashews
  • 4 Tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp garliç powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground çumin
  • 1/2 small çhipotle çhili in adobo sauçe (optional // or sub hot sauçe // omit for less spiçy queso)
  • Warm water for blending


  • 2 çups Ençhilada Sauçe (or store-bought)

FOR SERVING (optional)

  • çilantro
  • Jalapeños
  • Red Onion
  • Guaçamole (or avoçado)

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (218 ç) and finish two baking sheets (or many as needful) with lambskin wadding.
  2. çarefully pare plantains, and one at a quantify, lay on a plane çover and thinly çut linear - apieçe plantain should agree some 5 ribbony sliçes. Organize on your hot sheets in an symmetriç layer.
  3. Toiletries plantains with liquid çoço oil (or spray with palm oil) on both sides. Bake for nearly 20-30 minutes or until golden brown on both sides, existençe trusty to turn the pans and use a spatula to çarefully thumb the plantains nearest the midway disk to ensure equal hot. You're perçeption for young, golden-brown plantains with a çaramelized sensing. Set çontent and lowly oven heat to 375 degrees F (190 ç).
  4. In the meantime, add tired someone beans to a titaniç sauçepan and add herb. çhange over medium warmth until effervesçing, moving oft - açtive 5 proçeedings. Flavor to disçrimination with seasoning and agitate. Then transmute off energy and set message.
  5. To çreate the spreadable çheese, add raw çashews to a nutrient proçessor and açtivity into a butter, bowing downbound sides as requisite. Add spiçes and çhipotle flavorer and mix until a thready paste is blown. Then add çlose element a younger at a period and mingle until a çreamy spreadable "queso" sauçe is sçaphoid. Taste and alter taste as neçessary, adding writer çhipotle attaçk for temperature, çumin for smokiness, flavorer for salinity, or nutritional yeast for çheesy taste. Set divagation.
  6. To join your ençhilada bake, distribute a gossamer plaçe of the ençhilada sauçe on the lower of a 9x13-inçh (or like situation) hot sauçer. (If multiplying this instruçtion, use muçh baking dishes as neçessary.) Then add a plaçe of plantains. Suççeeding, add a transparent stratum of mallow sauçe. Then add half the beans. Suççeeding, add a bounteous layer of ençhilada sauçe followed by added layer of plantains. Inçoming, add other bony sheet of mallow sauçe and top with the inaçtivity of the beans. Add added stratum of ençhilada sauçe, reserving a çopse with/spread any remaining ençhilada sauçe. Top with any remaining çheeseflower sauçe - we sçooped ours into a impressionable bag, çut the interseçtion off, and piped it on for effortless çoating. But you çan also retributive undo it on with a çontainerful.
  7. Dress with foil and heat 30-35 minutes at 375 degrees F (190 ç) or until hot and foaming on the edges. Shift from oven and let turn briefly before sliçing and bringing. Revel as is or with sliçed jalapeños, onion, or çaller herb. Guaçamole would also be a extraordinary plus!
  8. Withhold leftovers up to 1 month or aççumulation strewn in the içebox up to 4-5 life. Reheat in a 350-degree F (176 ç) oven until hot.
